Friday, March 4, 2011

Clippin Q's

Ok so my first trip to the store to save money with q's didn't go so well.  For one, I had 3 kids with me and trying to think when two of em are fighting and one fussin', well... forget about it!  Plus I was a little confused at how the whole double coupon, etc. worked.

So, i am making another go at it today.  I shall hit walmart with my Publix ad in hand, checking prices, as well as a handful of coupons for both stores, and plan to swing by Walgreens to pick up a coupon book.  I have also stocked my Reader with the RSS feeds of a handful of coupon sites.

AND the piece de resistance... I just signed up for an Extreme Couponing class in a few weeks.  2 hours of my time and I hope to leave with lots of understanding of how to save money with coupons.  Spring Break from Kennesaw State next week = less school work due right away, so hopefully i can use homework time to focus on this and attempt to make a go at it.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Great job, daughter! You're off to a great start. The 'double couponing' stuff used to be here at Cannata's, and it was for up to $1.00 that would be doubled. But, I applaud you for your efforts & keep it up! After awhile, you'll see the difference in your wallet! :-) I have alot of coupons I'll be sending you.
